One Lovely Blog Award..

I have been nominated by wonderful blogger Sana for this award . Her blog is really inspiring. Thanks Sana for this platform where I got an opportunity to share about myself with my readers.
Here goes 7 facts about me:
  1. I look serious kinda girl but when it comes to laughing then believe me I could laugh on any joke. In fact sometimes I get out of control and my eyes become teary which really confuses people that whether I’m crying or laughing. 🙂
  2. I don’t like messy home so even if I find that bed-sheet in my house is not properly placed then my brain starts to irritate me. (Should I tell you one secret- this irritation started only after my marriage. Pre marriage I was the culprit in making my home dirty. Hehhee).
  3. I’m a damn romantic person. And I don’t believe in the concept of “Boys should only give surprises or initiate in proposing”. I really believe that it should be mutual. Happiness should not depend on anybody. If you want to be happy then go ahead and grab the opportunity.
  4. I like to watch cartoon. I can’t list out any favorites because I love all except those having too much of fighting.
  5. I’m crazy for checking out different types of recipe. Excuse me I’m talking about tasting not cooking 😉 Whenever I go out I try to order something new.
  6. I don’t like novels full of suspense. I could watch suspense movies but not the technical kind of where I have to use my brain. Movies means entertainment and if I have to use my brain then whats the use of movies 🙂
  7. I can’t stick to one thing especially in hobbies. I want to learn and enjoy every hobby but ya sports are an exceptional thing.
Now as per rule I have to nominate 7 bloggers. But I would like you all to participate in it. In sha allah you will enjoy it. You can post your points in comments or link up your new post.
Check out the rules below:
  • Thank the nominator and link them.
  • List the rules and display the award.
  • Add 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers and let them know via a comment.

Published by farheen siddiqui

Hey friends,myself Farheen Siddiqui, by profession I'm a Software Quality Analyst. Apart from my job I just love to try my hands on different hobbies. But writing poems, gazals, hamd and naat is my fav hobby. I hope that my emotions poured in poems etc will get connected somewhere with your emotions too and if it gets connected then do post your comment.

13 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award..

  1. 🙂 really interesting facts ! well we are quite similar in many things ,like cartoon , food and I love to cook as well, i do tend to get bored of things easily,, although I enjoyed some of suspense novels I read before. Nice knowing you sister 🙂 May Allah keep you laughing and smiling! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww nice to know that we have got some similar qualities. Even i like to cook different items. But nowadays because of job and daughter I hardly get time to experiment so shifted my focus on tasting rather than on cooking. Hehhee.

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  2. Salam sister,
    I just discovered your blog so it’s nice to get to know you 🙂
    I totally have the same stiry about the messy house, before my marriage I was so messy I wonder how could I be living in such a dirty place, shame on me! Now alhamdoulillah I’m always cleaning but when we have a child, we don’t have the choice because if we are not organized, we can’t take good care of him.
    I want to try every hobby as well, that’s why I know a lot of things but I can’t specialize in one thing. So, I’m happy I don’t need to work anymore since I could never decide with job I like most hahaa
    May Allah bless you sister


    1. Walekum assalam warehmatullahi wabarakatahu sis. Even I’m glad that I found your blog. I found that you are active commentator many of the blogs 🙂 Thats took me to your beautiful blog.

      Well you will be more happy to know that we share few more similar habbits. First is that I too like to give long comments 🙂 and second is that I too try to include Allah teaching or you can say islamic teachings in my poem. Even I’m bore from my job now but don’t know what could make me happy. Still searching. And Ameen for dua.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you sister!
        Hehe you are right, I comment on every blog I like since I’m on wordpress to share with my sisters from all over the world 😉
        I’m glad to know that we have those things in common alhamdoulillah, poetry is so powerful, but as muslims we should always have our Creator in mind, so I love writing poels reminding me the magnificence of Allah.

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      2. Oh abd I forgot to ask, what is your job? If you want to tell, of course..
        I’m sure you will find something really enriching insha’Allah.
        I don’t know if I will work again in the future but for now I am a housewife and I love raising my child and doing all my hobbies alhamdoulillah


      3. Assalamu alaikum sis. It really feels so nice to get to know a sis staying far away in some other part of the world. You are so far but i’m still feeling so connected . ALlhumdulilah 🙂 .

        Well sis I work in a IT firm. I’m not a career oriented kind of girl and also because of my nature have stopped liking this job. Even I want to be a happy successful housewife and enjoying different hobbies. May Allah give me chance to do that. Ameen.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Alhamdoulillah I feel connected to you as well, since we seem to have a similar education and thoughts and point of view about our society. You know, I was not born a muslim (even if I was an arab) but since I met Islam, I try to live according to Allah’s teaching, and it’s really difficult in the western society but still, we have to fight for our religion, it is the best thing we have alhamdoulillah.
        Ohh sister you know I feel sad when I know that you are not happy in your job. I felt the same way when I was working because I was not allowed to wear the hijab (it is forbidden to work with hijab in France).
        So I really hope you will have the possibility to stay at home one day and to do whatever you like to do. You have such a wonderful mind, sister, May Allah protect you.


      5. Assalamu alaikum sis. You mean you are reverted. Alhumdulillah. I admire revert muslims.Really. We as born muslim take so many things for granted. But Alhumdulillah Allah gives you all immense power. May Allah reward you with best in everything.
        Alhumdulilah in my office I don’t have issue in wearing hijab at my job and for reading salah. But there is always issue of talking to other male colleagues.
        Do remember me in your prayers. And wa antum fa jazakullahu khair sis.


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