3 Days–3 Quotes – Day 1

I was nominated for the “3 Days – 3 Quotes” challenge by Fateema who owns a beautiful blog with name “Journal of a muslima“.  Thank you so much sister for inviting me .

Here are the rules:

1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.

Here goes my quote:



I really follow the above funda in my life. Life becomes happy and easy when we start focusing on small small things rather than running behind big and virtual dreams 🙂  Below are my nominations:


Ankit Mishra

A growing Muslima


Published by farheen siddiqui

Hey friends,myself Farheen Siddiqui, by profession I'm a Software Quality Analyst. Apart from my job I just love to try my hands on different hobbies. But writing poems, gazals, hamd and naat is my fav hobby. I hope that my emotions poured in poems etc will get connected somewhere with your emotions too and if it gets connected then do post your comment.

3 thoughts on “3 Days–3 Quotes – Day 1

  1. Really a wonderful quote.
    As they say, take care of small things and big things will fall into place. 🙂
    Thank you, Farheen 🙂


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